
Lesson 14 wk of 11/24

Part III
Technological Information
Information as Reality

Chapter 11
Elementary Measures

The Electron
The greek word for amber is electron and the heraclean stone is a magner. The complex and reciprocal processes that underlie
electricity and magnetism remained concealed for two and half milenna, and the kind of scientist who investigates them properly
did not appear until the beginning of the modern period.

The [...]

Lesson 13 wk of 11/17

Book-Holding on to Reality

Chapter 6
Producing Information/Writing and Structure

The Analysis of Structure-Natural information is about reality cultural information is distinctively for the
shaping of reality. Cultural information however can be about as well as for reality.

Alphabetic writing certainly supports that view. A text considered only as regards its spelling
that is merely as a sequence of letters.

Chapter [...]

Lesson 12 wk of 11/10

Chapter 8

News and the Web

The Web of Information News
Most people read the newspaper, watch television news, and listen to radio newcasts to gain public knowledge neccessary to particpate within their local, national and global communities the quantity of news has increased the time available to use the news has not.

The Use of [...]

Lesson 11 wk of 11/3

Chapter 5
The Look of the Web

Deciphering and analyzing the look of the web. The Web’s appearance has changed over time. The techniques of
quantitative analysis of media forms.

The Mouse Aesthetic: Apples, Apples, Icons and windows
The mythology of the emergence of personal computers, there has a developed a narrative that rivals
the biblical tale of David and [...]