
Comments on my Website

“One Stop Center Famous Floridians Library”

1. I decided to build a website for my special dream library.
2. Before I started I thought about what steps I needed to take to build the library: by notepad, kompozer or Nvu
3. I tried using Kompozer had no clue to what I was doing.
4. Then I tried Nvu, well [...]

Wk of 7/7

Lesson 9

Chapter 16
Audio and Video
Using multimedia to trick out your pages with audio and video. Learning how to use creating web pages with the
background music, animatins, and even full-frame movies.

Understanding Multimedia
This includes a variety of different technologies and filed types, all of which have dramatically different computer requirements and pose
different Web design challenges.

Types of Multimedia [...]

Wk of 6/30

Lesson 8

Chapter 14

JavaScript and DHTML
Adding Interactivity

Understanding JavaScript
Java Script can dynamically insert some HTML into Web page or modify an existing HTML tag, for example, you can show a personalized message or make a title grow and shrink perpetually.

The script Tag
Block that you slot somewhere into an HTML document

Temporary storage containers where you [...]